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Become a VIP for FTC!

Help us finance our core workings, while getting first dibs on tickets to each of our upcoming shows. When we release tickets, have casting news, or special announcements, you’ll always be the first to know!

Fremantle Theatre Company has a long journey ahead, and it's not one we can manage alone. We need you! A crew of theatre loving folk who see where we are headed and can cheer from the port and encourage us on our way.

We've built the ship. We've set her down in the water. And now, as we ready to set sail into our first full season and beyond, it's vital that we do so with the ship's hold filled up with everything needed to survive the perilous trek before us.

Please give what you can! And ensure that all aboard with us for the ride - the incredible performing artists, the amazing creative designers, our directors and writers, and the tireless team working behind the scene to orchestrate our endeavours and see we skip passed shoals and reef - are properly supported in the hearty work they're doing.

Thank you. You are the wind in our sails thrusting us forward. And we look forward to seeing you soon, and greeting you harbour-side, to show-off the next great production we've brought home for you enjoyment!

Becoming a VIP for FTC is a little two step process...

Step One  –  Click the 'Become a VIP' button below purchase your VIP ticket voucher. This registers you in our system, ensures you'll get you discounts on tickets and this is where you will select and purchase your tickets for the upcoming season of shows.


Step Two  –  Once you have purchased your tickets, click the 'Donate at ACF' button below to make you 'First Mates' $50 tax deductible donation or your 'Captain' $200 tax deductible donation, and confirm your VIP status for your future bookings, event updates and more.

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Our Donors
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are very lucky to be supported by some of the kindest and most generous lovers of good theatre that WA has to offer, and they are the ones who buoy us up and keep us on course when we need them.

As you might imagine, raising up a new theatre company can be tough, and like most ambitious endeavours of this kind, it cannot be done without a village, and the incredible support such a tribe of true humans can offer.

We are so deeply grateful for your generosity and look forward to rewarding your investment in our work with wonderful shows in the year to come. We
 hope you enjoy them all!

On behalf of the whole team at FTC, thank you! 

First Mate

Katrina Burton

Genevieve Liedel

Dorothy Wardale



Paul and Sophie Chamberlain

Jock Clough

Jane Deacon

Mimi and Willy Packer

Veronique Ramen

Sally Savini

John Schaffer

Ear Science Institute


Crew donations

Joanne Cruikshank

Dominic Snellgrove

Bourby Webster


Mast $1000

Marcus Atlas

Al Donald and Delwyn Everard

Gilbert George

Mike Snell and Vicki Stewart


Mainstay $2000

Howard and Emma Cearns

Marco D’Orsogna


Topsail $5000

Michela Fini


Spinnaker $10,000


Harbour Master $20,000

John Schaffer


2021/22 Supporters

Steven Bennet 

Jim Litis 

Mimi and Willy Packer 

Damon Wheatley 

Vern Wheatley 

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